Qin’s new paper on squeezing a microwave cavity with magnons is now on arXiv!
Our paper, “Cooling and Squeezing a Microwave Cavity State with Magnons Using a Beam Splitter Interaction,” by Qin Xu and Gregory D. Fuchs is now on arXiv.
Jae-Pil’s SiC plasmonic nanocavity paper is not out at Nano Letters
Our paper “Purcell enhancement and spin spectroscopy of silicon vacancy centers in silicon carbide using an ultra-small mode-volume plasmonic cavity,” by J.-P. So, J. Luo, J. Choi, B. McCullian, and G. D. Fuchs is now out at Nano Letters.
Brendan’s Orbital Rabi paper out at PRX Quantum and highlighted in the Cornell Chronicle
Our paper ,”Coherent Acoustic Control of Defect Orbital States in the Strong-Driving Limit,” by B. A. McCullian, V. Sharma, H. Y. Chen, J. C. Crossman, E. J. Mueller, and G. D. Fuchs is now out at PRX Quantum, and has been highlighted in an article in the Cornell Chronicle.
Our stroboscopic strain imaging paper highlighted by Argonne National Lab
Check out this highlight of our stroboscopic strain imaging paper from Argonne National lab: https://www.anl.gov/article/xray-imagery-of-vibrating-diamond-opens-avenues-for-quantum-sensing.
Anthony’s stroboscopic strain imaging paper was selected as an editor’s suggestion at PR Applied
Our paper “Stroboscopic x-ray diffraction microscopy of dynamic strain in diamond thin-film bulk acoustic resonators for quantum control of nitrogen-vacancy centers,” by Anthony D’Addario, John Kuan, Noah F. Opondo, Ozan Erturk, Tao Zhou, Sunil A. Bhave, Martin V. Holt, and Gregory D. Fuchs is now out at Physical Review Applied, and it was selected as an editors’s suggestion.
Jaehong’s ferroelectric polarization paper is now out at Nano Letters
Our paper, “Tuning exciton emission via ferroelectric polarization at a heterogeneous interface between a monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide and a perovskite oxide membrane,” by Jaehong Choi, Kevin J. Crust, Lizhong Li, Kihong Lee, Jialun Luo, Jae-Pil So, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Harold Y. Hwang, Kin Fai Mak, Jie Shan, and Gregory D. Fuchs is now out at Nano Letters.
Jae-Pil’s Purcell-enhanced silicon vacancy in SiC paper is now on the arXiv
Our paper, “Purcell enhancement and spin spectroscopy of silicon vacancy centers in silicon carbide using an ultra-small mode-volume plasmonic cavity,” by Jae-Pil So, Jialun Luo, Jaehong Choi, Brendan McCullian, and Gregory D. Fuchs is now out on the arXiv.
Congratulations Dr. Jialun Luo!!
Jialun successfully defended his thesis, “Single spin defects hosted in Gallium Nitride.” Congratulations!
Jaehong’s ferroelectric polarization sensing paper is out on arXiv
Our paper, “Tuning exciton emission via ferroelectric polarization at a heterogeneous interface between a monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide and a perovskite oxide membrane,” by Jaehong Choi, Kevin J. Crust, Lizhong Li, Kihong Lee, Jialun Luo, Jae-Pil So, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Harold Y. Hwang, Kin Fai Mak, Jie Shan, and Gregory D. Fuchs is not out on the arXiv.
Congratulations Dr. Nicole Guo!!
Nicole has defended her thesis, “Imaging antiferromagnetic order at the nanoscale using a scanning NV center microscope.” Congratulations!!