Spin Dynamics at the Nanoscale

About our Research


We research magnetism and quantum information science in the solid state. We are interested in both fundamental phenomena and applications.  Current research includes:

  • Coupling spins to mechanical resonators to enable new forms of quantum control, quantum sensing, and hybrid quantum systems.
  • Quantum interactions between single spins and magnons to enable entanglement and quantum transduction.
  • Quantum magnonic systems composed of a superconducting circuit and low-damping magnons.
  • Quantum sensing of magnetic materials using NV centers.
  • New materials for Josephson junctions to enhance the functionality and robustness of superconducting quantum circuits.
  • The development of time-resolved scanning probe magneto-thermal microscopy as a tool for spintronics.
  • Antiferromagnetic spintronics.

*We have opportunities for graduate students and postdocs.


In situ electric-field control of ferromagnetic resonance in the low-loss organic-based ferrimagnet V[TCNE]x~2,

Seth W. Kurfman, Andrew Franson, Piyusy Shah, Yuegang Shi, Hil Fung Harry Cheung, Katherine E. Nygren, Mitchell Swyt, Krysten S. Buchanan, Gregory D. Fuchs, Michael E. Flatté, Gopalan Srinivasan, Michael Page, Ezekiel Johnston-Halperin, “In situ electric-field control of ferromagnetic resonance in the low-loss organic-based ferrimagnet V[TCNE]x~2,” APL Materials 12, 051115, (2024). [arXiv:2308.03353]

Tuning exciton emission via ferroelectric polarization at a heterogeneous interface between a monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide and a perovskite oxide membrane

Jaehong Choi, Kevin J. Crust, Lizhong Li, Kihong Lee, Jialun Luo, Jae-Pil So, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Harold Y. Hwang, Kin Fai Mak, Jie Shan, and Gregory D. Fuchs, “Tuning exciton emission via ferroelectric polarization at a heterogeneous interface between a monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide and a perovskite oxide membrane,” Nano Letters 24, 8948 (2024). [arXiv:2404.12490]