We’re excited to present one talk and one poster on our research at the upcoming PASPS VIII meeting in Washington, D.C. The talk will be “Driving diamond nitrogen-vacancy center spins with mechanical motion” presented by Professor Fuchs. The poster will be “Single Photon Emission from Defects in Sputtered ZnO Films” by N. R. Jungwirth, H. S. Chang, Y. Y. Pai, and G. D. Fuchs presented by Hung. Come see them!
Welcome Isaiah Gray!
Isaiah Gray, and incoming Applied Physics graduate student has joined our group. Welcome Isaiah!
Cornell Chronicle: Greg Fuchs receives DOE early career award
The Cornell Chronicle covers Greg’s DOE early career award.
Welcome summer students!
We are being joined this summer by two new undergraduate students. Caleb Zerger is joining us for the summer from the University of Michigan through the CCMR REU program, and Jonathan Karsch, a Cornell engineering student, is joining us though an Engineering Learning Initiatives research award. Welcome Caleb and Jonathan!
Fuchs selected for DOE early career award
Greg Fuchs has been awarded a highly selective early career award from the US department of energy office of basic energy sciences.
Evan MacQuarrie awarded William Nichols Findley Award
Evan MacQuarrie has been awarded William Nichols Findley Award (awarded annually to a Engineering Physics or Physics student for an exceptional research paper) for the paper “Mechanical spin control of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond”. Congratulations Evan!
Special AEP Seminar, Friday May 9 at 2 pm
Jiuen Lee, Ph.D. from the University of Michigan will be giving a seminar titled “Temporal and Spatial Control of Quantum Dots for On-Chip Integration” on Friday May 9 at 2 pm in Physical Sciences 120.
Quantum dots (QDs) are nanostructures that confine electrons in three spatial dimensions. Due to their discrete atom-like energy levels, a wide variety of applications related to the optical properties of dots are possible. One such application is to integrate a QD in a photonic crystal cavity to enable the enhanced interaction between electrons and photons. Such hybrid systems of QD electrons and cavity photons can be an interesting platform for both the fundamental study of light-matter interactions and applications in information processing. In the first part of this talk, we focus on the temporal dynamics of single QDs coupled to a photonic cavity. In particular, an optical experiment using two time-delayed ultrafast pulses enables the quantitative description of the emission enhancement and reveals the nonlinearity of various transitions in single QDs. In the second part, we discuss a tool that can deterministically couple a dot to a cavity. Since the dot-cavity coupling efficiency depends on their spatial overlap, the ability to control QD positions at the fabrication level is highly desirable. We use a focused-ion-beam to pattern QDs at predetermined locations and evaluate their fidelity and optical properties for practical applications. All these experiments will be discussed in the context of developing scalable quantum information processing on a chip.
Yun-Yi Pai Defends MS thesis – Congratulations!
Yun-Yi Pai defened his Masters of Science thesis, “Characterization of Single Defects in Zinc Oxide.” Congratulations!
SPIE newsroom covers our diamond spin-mechanics research
Check our the new SPIE newroom article: Direct spin-phonon coupling with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond, which came out April 2, 2014.
Greg is interviewed by Cornell Daily Sun
Greg was interveiwed by the Cornell Daily Sun about our nanomagnetism research.